hi olls.. good afternoon
how r u doing today?
hopefully uolls sume sihat n ceria2 selalu juz like me okeh=)
jam kt laptop i pon da hampir 1 pm..
owh.. cepatnye mase kamu berjalan.. its frightening me olredi..
rite now i tgh studi for my last paper.. AIS630..
the only paper yg i ltk kan harapan setinggi gunung utk skor A+++
paper lain cm xde harapan je.. T____T
so today i'm going to let my lappy shut until i done my last paper
ok lappy.. have a deep rest ok syg.. ngeh3
i tau u da lame xrest since i bli berukband bulan 6 ari tu
pity of u
owh.. why i call my bb berukband..?
o yeah.. sbb bb kesayangan i ni lembab lately
so selayaknye die dipanggil beruk..
owh tensen..
esok mayb i byr bill bulan 10
so mr celcom.. sile sabar okeh
xperlulah nk aniaya sy cm ni..
sy cume lambat beberapa hari saje uolls da nk kene kan i cmni..
celcom jahat..
1 more commitment..
insurance life i pon xbyr lg bulan ni.. OMG.. tpakse la kuar duit asb klu mcm ni...
i terpaksa...
nangis lg.. sobsob T___T
ok lah.. need to studi..=_='
love uolls
dah last paper...sronok la lepas nie..hohoo
last paper for the whole life
i mean as a full time student la
great kan?
ngeee =D
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