the induction start with a brief introduction about... errr... about... ermmm... about... owh.. ermm.. homaigoddd.. i dah lupe lah ape yg i dengar pagi td... hahahahaha... what is it haaa?.. ermmm.. i think about... erk.. retrieval fail.. hihihihiiii.. hopeless betol lah i ni.. yg i igt 1 of the point is about health & safety yg hsbc provide for their staff. tu pon sbb trainer tu asik aim i je cuz i dok depan n then paling tepi lak tuh.. mmg strategik sgt la kan.. i ni dah lah xreti nk speaking london.. sempat pulak tu dok berangan dlm kelas.. sekali trainer tu tanye i soalan.. n the question is;
" if hsbc been caught in bomb trap and u r outside. the reporter asking u why are u outside?... what will u answer?"
i baru nk naik flight ke Bali, ade je orang kacau daun.....
waklu Bali.. hahhaaa
i dah tersengih2 cam kerak busuk pon that trainer asik nk push i jwb soalan tu jer.. 3 kali dok ulang soalan..yg sorang indian girl ni plak dok sibuk bg i jawapan tp sepatah haram i xfaham.. yelah.. org tgh nebes, ckp melayu pon i bleyh xfaham, ni kan plak ckp mashaleh.. eeeeeeeeeeee... tension lah teringat balik... syuh syuh..
next session we olls kene isi our personal details dalam hsbc systems or database.. n then lunch at 1pm, solat.. and get back to the class at 2pm.
so.. basically there are 3 different trainer bg taklimat yg berlainan ptg petang tu. taklimat yg pertama tentang transportation. fyi, H*** cyberjaya provide transportation for oll his staff dan yg paling penting free kowwwwt.. menarik kannnnn?.. so i dah jimat kt transportation =). for those staff yg amik this transportation facilities akan diberi sebijik 'menatang' (i lupe la ape name bende alah tu.. haha) so we oll just need to scan bende tu kt scanner every time weolls naik bas which is rapid.. mcm touch n go or pass yg biase org gune bile naik public transport tula.. i'm sorry sbb xdpt nk tunjuk kt uolls cmne bentuk 'menatang' tu cuz no kamera la.. comeyl je bnde tu.;-)
next taklimat lak pasal kwsp. n last taklimat pasal employee benefit and annual leave. so they taught us how to apply cuti properly or something like that la.. sume bende tu common.. i think uolls pon da tau kan.. hihihiii the most interesting part bile bekerja kt big company like hsbc ni byk betul benefit yg diorang provide kt staff diorg. tp we need to work for 1 year lah br eligible nk dapat sume benefit tu ='(.. i i xtaw la smpi 1 year ke x.. huhuhuuu
ha.. 1 more thing i nak share ngn uolls. uoll tau x i keje shift malam.. 6pm untill 3am.. org balik keje i baru nak masuk keje lol.. hai.. cube uolls bgtaw i celah mane i nk dpt jodoh ni.. haha.. T__T
tak pernah pkai hsbc punya bank..hihii
best friend aku keje HSBC kat bursa.. kesian kan kene keje malam.. tp best culture dlm HSBC ni aku tgk.. increment pun byk.. happy working beb.. :)
wah .. kes berat nie.. kul 3 pg baru balik
takpela lik lmbt, dgr kata my fren yg kije mcm u tu gaji masyukkkk kan? setimpal lah dgn keje mlm tuh.n work culture dia mmg steady... sambil2 layan pelanggan, sambil2 tuh carila diri sendiri gak la.hahahah
dulu gue penah guna hsbc
acount hsbc oversea sama tak dgr hsbc malaysia?
azwan : try la.. this is international bank taw. sng nnt =)
Heidi : yeke? hopefully berbaloi la ngn mase yg telah disacrifice kn tu ='(
cik su : tu lah.. nnt org ckp ape plk kan anak dara balik tgh2 mlm.. haha
lady sharpshouter : wah.. bagus jgk idea tu!.. syura dealing ngn client2 dari uk, mne taw leyh sangkut ngn org sana.. berbaloi-baloi.. hahaha
mie : i think sama lah. sbb i dengar ms induction td 1 of the benefit kite boleyh guna acc ni oll around da world as long as ad hsbc lah.. =)
lewatnya...dahsyat....cik tom xkerja2 lg..bila la nk dpt kerja..sob3..
takpe kerja cam tue konpem gaji best ek...belanja la yaty :)
cik tom : xpe cik tom, dulu syura pon lambat dapat keje..nnt rezeki smpi lah cam syura.
Miss yaty : huhu, okeylah gaji yg die offer. sepadan la ngn shift tu.. T__T..
keje sampai
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